My 1st Pomodoro Experience

Alishba Nasir
3 min readJan 1, 2021

Pomodoro, Italian for “tomato”, it is to set your timer up to 25 minutes, work until it starts beeping, write down the distractions which came in these 25 minutes, mark a tick on every 25 minutes completion, give yourself a break of 5 minutes, then continue your work or start a new work. it is a popular time management method, which is used to stay focused on one task without being distracted, in one sitting.

Pomodoro and Me

I am easily distracted by either my phone, people around me or food, so this was something I was looing forward to experience for the first time, to manage my time. It was really the best experience I had, was a bit difficult for me, as I respond to my notifications immediately, and people around me were there on my head, chatting, I starve for 100 minutes until I completed what I started, with 5 minutes break in between(I only took deep breath and did chitchat didn’t eat anything). I started a sketch which was on pending for a very long time, and I decided to complete it by this Pomodoro technique, and Voila! it worked, my sketch was ready in 120minutes.


I could complete my sketch in one go, but in 4 to 5 hours with involving in so many distractions, but with Pomodoro technique, I did it in 2 hours only, which saved approximately 2 to 3 hours of mine. So yeah, this technique is wonderful as it kept me focused on my work as I knew it will ring and I have to complete at least one portion of my work. I wish I knew this technique before, I could’ve done so much work better than when it’s done without this technique.

Making Pomodoro a Habit

I am looking forward to make it a habit, as it is saving so much of my time and giving me a chance to do much more in one go. To improve the standards, I am going to start the timer of 25 minutes, turn the device Wi-Fi off, and I think it will be having a good impact on the overall experience. I adopted this technique so well that I am still doing it when writing this blog and going to do it while doing Amal course 2 of this week.

